Available for Adoption


Administrative and Wellness Fee: $1000.00

Gage, along with two other horses (one a miniature), was seized by Kansas law enforcement in May 2023.

He was a Body Condition Score of a 1, with a horrific lice infestation and heavy internal parasite issues.  In addition, his penis was damaged (likely from his malnutrition) and had lost all nerve sensation to the glans.  He could no longer retract it.

His... more


Administrative and Wellness Fee: $750.00

Seized in early December 2023, along with four other pasture mates, Kote was in poor body condition for a young, growing boy. 

In addition, he was heavily parasitized. Kote recovered quickly under the care of Rainbow Meadows. 

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Administrative and Wellness Fee: $1000.00

Joi was purchased in OK as a result of a social media post. She has simply been a pasture pet for the last few years. When her owner fell on hard times, she contacted Rainbow Meadows to take Joi and her 2 pasture mates.

Joi has proven receptive to light saddle riding.  She is blind in her right eye but is calm and confident.


Administrative and Wellness Fee: $1000.00

Princesca was surrendered by her owner, along with her pasture mate, a Halflinger named Kane, when health concerns made it difficult to provide care.  As a FIRST RESPONDER rescue, we provide safe refuge to horses and a sense of peace to the owners during difficult times when new homes need to be found.Princesca is sound for light riding.She has a slight irregularity in her hind... more


Administrative and Wellness Fee: $ 500.00

Loki is the cutest miniature glelding.

He was relinquished to Rainbow Meadows by his owner when resources were not available for his care.

Loki had received adequate nutrition but minimal socialization prior to admission.  ... more


Administrative and Wellness Fee: $1000.00

Mazi came to Rainbow Meadows after the closure of Southern Winds Equine Rescue and Recovery Center in Udall Kansas.Southern Winds officially closed operations in May 2021. She is a spunky and opinionated little mare. Mazi was adopted and spent two years as a pasture pet.  She has foundered in the past and will require close management of her barefoot trimming and diet.


Administrative and Wellness Fee: $500.00

Sold at a slaughter sale as an "old pony" it became apparent that she was blind. Her new owners did not want the responsibility of caring for what ended up being a 6 month old filly and asked that Rainbow Meadows to step in. Midget has never known sight so is very confident. In 2020 it became necessary to remove her eyes due to pain.  Midget did... more


Administrative and Wellness Fee: $500.00

Minx is a lovely little mini mare. 

She was relinquished to Rainbow Meadows, along with her son Loki, by her owner when resources were not available for  their care.

Minx had received adequate... more


Administrative and Wellness Fee: $1500.00

A death in the family set off a cascade of events requiring the rehoming of this gorgeous mare and her two pasture mates. Rainbow Meadows was asked to accept her and find her a new home.
She is a kind and gentle mare which enjoys human interaction.

Nike served in a children's camp from 2018-2024, until the camp riding program closed.

Administrative and Wellness Fee: $1000.00

Nikki needed to be rehomed as a result of a terminal illness of her owner and the fact that Nikki's pasture mate had died.

This mare has had some traumatic handling in the past which makes her only suited to a companion-only home
